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3e dumas (2011-2012)


3è Dumas - A hangman: Irregular verbs.

Publié par Miss FERNANDES

Here is the site where you can play the hangman we played on Tuesday. And here is the code to play: hbwjajchccha (Click on the picture to play) Enjoy !

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3è Dumas - Shake up Christmas by train

Publié par Miss FERNANDES

Here is the video we studied today. Enjoy !

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3è Dumas - Irregular verbs

Publié par Miss FERNANDES

Here is the lists of irregular verbs I gave you. (from http://www.my-teacher.fr/) And you can also listen to the irregular verbs by clicking below: And you can also watch this Manu Payet video about irregular verbs ! Enjoy !

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3è Dumas - Survivor casting video examples

Publié par Miss FERNANDES

Here are some casting videos made for the audition for the Survivor TV show Meet S amantha Jenny Hope they will help !

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3è Dumas - Survivor casting call

Publié par Miss FERNANDES

Today, we worked on a video promoting Survivor. It was a casting call. You can take a look at it again by clicking below. Enjoy !

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